Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Guitar Hooks

Regarding the previous post below, there may be a question of where to find the guitar hooks?

Add guitar hook from Brian Eno, Babies On Fire. Mom is made of antimatter while dad is made of matter.

Baby keeps burning up. Perhaps they should stop trying to reproduce. www.youtube.com/watch?v=draua97qH1Y


Throw in 3 or 4 seconds of "Babies on fire" with guitar feedback squeal unto death. Or play the entire song as a joint.

Add guitar hook from James Gang, walk Away. Pick a riff from the big finish, I like the one before the final chorus. Video Link www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1ZUU8xi7qY

Since this is year 2010 there is sheet music on the internet http://www.musicnotes.com/sheetmusic/scorchVPE.asp?ppn=SC0025315


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Unrelated to the items above and below, current music: The Ting Tings, Shut Up And Let Me Go. www.thetingtings.com/us/frontpage?cmdr=ip2country/detected