Thursday, August 25, 2011

While we were havin' fun at Comicon 2011, Mother was cleaning out our rooms..
A bunch of toys were found out back in the trash!  There were many items.  Not kidding.  The top photo is a Smartphone size picture of the epic booty, if it's yours send an e mail.

Regular size picture.
My epic booty.

Removed the battey piles before they had a chance to leak!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Telecommuting

UPDATE August 28, 2011  The internet is actually working a little bit.  Even so the rant below was relevant when it was posted three weeks earlier in August 2011. 

On the internet, these blogs are being phoned in.  We can send in pictures, storyboards, we can make our best cartoon voices.  On the telephone.  What do we recieve in return?  A message from the internet that reads, "Please wait".  Most of us are telecommuting and we don't appreciate the new, improved internet that simply does not work.  Yours truly is blogging from planet Earth for now.  What is going on here?  You would not believe!  These Earthlings have a new improved internet-that-doesn't-work, yet they get ISO 9000 readings that are beyond one hundred perercent! 

While the actual content is BLANK and the sidebar reads, "Please wait", "working", or my favorite "Done But With Errors On Page".

We are getting nothing from the Internet, and the fat cats get a bonus because the "new improved internet" told the fat cat's stock holers that the download was "DONE" even though we are seeing a blank screen, and the internet browser tells us "Done But With Errors On Page".

How can the download be done!  My content page is empty, obviously empty. 

Someone is getting paid money because the internet says "Done But With Errors On Page" while at the same time (I, Me, and You) are getting nothing because that internet tells us, "Done But With Errors On Page".   The keyword is "Done".  Somene is getting paid for this ripoff and it isn't me!  I am going to drastically cut down on my usage of the new, improved internet as of now.  Someone is getting paid big bucks to make us wait for nothing!