Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How To Install Dinex Drivers Into Windows 8 Enterprise Edition

              How To Install Dinex Drivers Into Windows 8 Enterprise Editition

                                               Prior to today in
                                                 the year 2015
             I told you how to install DINEX drivers into Windows 8 Here and Here.
     With Windows 8 Enterprise edition you don't have to do ANY of those things.
                                            Simply plug and play.

      Windows 8 Enterprise edition has net(dot)framework four dot something
                                         BUILT IN ALREADY.
Dot net framework is a way for a bunch of different programs to share information.
                                         On your computer.
                                            In real time.

  Your Windows 8 Enterprise Edition has net framework four dot something
                                      already installed.
           Even so, we need to have net.dot.framework 2.5 installed
               we install DINEX drivers into your computer
          so the advice is, "install net.dot.framework 2.5" first!
          or wait a long time until the software does it for you

  Then install your Dinex drivers into Windows 8 Enterprise edition.

 If you click on the INSTALL icon then you will go round and round.
                        Instead of doing that, follow this procedure:
                        1.  Install net.dot.framework 2.5  BY HAND.
                        2.  Then install your DINEX software.
                                       Plug and play!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Road Trip

February 2015


                               During a recent road trip to Orlando
                 I decided to visit a nice restaurant each evening
                                      and eat all the things.

                                   I gained five pounds!

                          So no more pigging out for awhile.

 Even though I was at Walt Disney World, I wasn't having fun all the time.

                I spent most of my time in or around one of these:

                This transit bus is the first ride for most of the guests.

              Many of the guests have never ridden on a bus before.

           These vehicles are ten years old and very dusty and dirty

                     in the dark and hidden areas where I work,

                          even though the outside is snazzy.

 After opening two doors, we can see the innards where the magic happens.

These black boxes that light up are PLC, Programmable Logic Controllers.

       I told you about the programming language in a previous post

            You wouldn't Normally see these electronic brain units
                 unless you could possibly know where to look.

                                     Enough about work.

   I stayed in an area on International Drive which is wall-to-wall

         with tourist things, some of which didn't look like they

        would be safe enough to exist in the state of California

   such as a raised go-cart track which resembled a roller coaster.

                                 Which I didn't ride.

        The most impressive item that I saw was the Orlando Eye.

   The individual cars on the Ferris wheel are bigger than my first apartment.

                             Big enough for a flying dinner party.


                      The structure of the Ferris wheel hub is most impressive.
                  This picture is a good one for the handy phone splash screen.

                            It is very unusual and people ask me about it

                                when they see my phone light up.
