Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Road Trip

February 2015


                               During a recent road trip to Orlando
                 I decided to visit a nice restaurant each evening
                                      and eat all the things.

                                   I gained five pounds!

                          So no more pigging out for awhile.

 Even though I was at Walt Disney World, I wasn't having fun all the time.

                I spent most of my time in or around one of these:

                This transit bus is the first ride for most of the guests.

              Many of the guests have never ridden on a bus before.

           These vehicles are ten years old and very dusty and dirty

                     in the dark and hidden areas where I work,

                          even though the outside is snazzy.

 After opening two doors, we can see the innards where the magic happens.

These black boxes that light up are PLC, Programmable Logic Controllers.

       I told you about the programming language in a previous post

            You wouldn't Normally see these electronic brain units
                 unless you could possibly know where to look.

                                     Enough about work.

   I stayed in an area on International Drive which is wall-to-wall

         with tourist things, some of which didn't look like they

        would be safe enough to exist in the state of California

   such as a raised go-cart track which resembled a roller coaster.

                                 Which I didn't ride.

        The most impressive item that I saw was the Orlando Eye.

   The individual cars on the Ferris wheel are bigger than my first apartment.

                             Big enough for a flying dinner party.


                      The structure of the Ferris wheel hub is most impressive.
                  This picture is a good one for the handy phone splash screen.

                            It is very unusual and people ask me about it

                                when they see my phone light up.


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