My appliances are twelve years old.
Sooner or later I will have to replace them.
I told you about my clothes dryer over
Before starting work, I unplugged the washing machine's power.
Here is a look at the Clothes Washing Machine's Innards:
The Large Gray item is connected to the knob on the
front of it's control panel, which no longer worked.
The Large Gray item is the Controller.
As you can see, the Controller has a motor to make the knob spin
(green arrow) while the washing machine is washing my clothes.
Two plastic tabs are holding this side of the controller
Onto the front panel (red arrows).
No problem here!
I added some plastic friendly lubricant "Tri-Flow"
to the part that spins with the knob (blue arrow).
This lubrication helped a lot.
But then
on the other side of the Controller
there was only one plastic tab, which had broken off.
The Controller would sag back and then the knob
wouldn't be pushed in and the wash cycle wouldn't start.
Rather than run out to the hardware store,
I found these hard rubber items which are actually
shower door bumpers.
I cut down the hook on one of these bumpers
I held the item with pliers as shown, while trimming the part.
Not with my fingers.
The trimmed piece grabs on to the Controller.
The trimmed piece grabs on to the Controller.
After rummaging through my supplies I found a bolt and, ahem, washer
that would hold the rubber bumper down securely
Then I put some strong, hold-it-to-everything glue
in-between the rubber bumper and the controller..
After being heated with an incandescent light bulb for about twenty minutes,
the glue foams up a little bit to fill the space (not shown).
Now the Controller is secured to the front panel,
the knob can be pushed in or pulled out
and I am back in the laundry business.
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