Friday, January 21, 2011

My Compact Disk Stereo

There is a joke about a car that wouldn't start, and four men were in the car.  The car would not start. Each one had a different idea regarding the way to get the car started and going; The car contained a musician, a lawyer, a manager, and a software engineer.  At the end, the software engineer says that everyone should get out of the car and then climb back in again. 

The stereo in the joke below is newer than the Do It Yourself Kit , though the newer stereo is connected to those same old (awesome) huge speakers that came with the old stereo.  History lesson: Old fashioned CD's from the previous century are now called "AnalogCD" even though they are digitized. AnalogCD. Make a note of it. 

My compact disk stereo was designed by a musician, a manager, a lawyer, and a software engineer.  It will play old CD 's from the previous century for the musician, or newer empee three disks for the manager.  If the stereo plays music from an MP3 it works well but then after that it won't like to play any AnalogCD for some reason having to do with the lawyer and the software engineer.  At the end, the software engineer says that everyone should turn off the stereo and then turn it back on again. This solves the problem immediately and then the stereo then will play any AnalogCD.

Turn the stereo off, then turn it back on again. Problem solved. Baaad designs. 

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